An eclectic, prize-winning and passionate group of poets come together to address the most urgent issue of our time. Expect to emerge inspired, disturbed, provoked, empowered and mobilised.
Black Rabbit Press publishes distinct and diverse voices in poetry and flash fiction. Their pamphlets feature gorgeous, handmade covers, each featuring a distinctive papercut design. “Excellent production values” – Sabotage Reviews.
Infinity Books UK is a new publisher – of poetry, primarily. They currently run the annual Love The Words poetry competition, part of International Dylan Thomas Day, in addition.
Arachne Press celebrated our 8th Anniversary last year, an important year for a company named for a spider! Lockdown got in the way of a lot of our plans, but we celebrated anyway, with online interviews and readings from all our books so far, a spider themed anthology and a call out to our writers for new material. One of the results of that call is A Voice Coming from Then,Jeremy Dixon’s first full-sized collection of poetry, which we published in August at the close of our anniversary year, having published his pamphlet, In Retail, a couple of years ago.
Join us for reading followed by Q&A. Patrick B. Osada grew up in Gloucester, where he still has friends and relatives. He attended Sir Thomas Rich’s Grammar School, trained as a teacher, eventually retiring from a post as Headteacher of a school in Aylesbury.
We thought it was about time we invited Z. D. Dicks, the Gloucestershire Poet Laureate and CEO of the Festival to feature in one of our Feature + Q&A events. The compère will be Hokis ( a poet who has, herself, featured in a GPF on-line event. There is a treat in store and a chance to see him before his book launch on 14th September.