Join us in a feast of Forest poetry. The Royal Forest of Dean has always inspired writing and creativity and we have four Dean poets for you to enjoy.
Dick Brice
One of the best-loved forest poets and song-writers, whose song ‘The Land Between Two Rivers’ was the theme music for Dennis Potter’s ‘The Changing Forest’ on BBC Radio Four. It has since become a ‘Forest Anthem’ having been sung by choirs from as far away as Holland and Zimbabwe. The history, characters and dialect have provided material for poetry and song, from lamenting the lost world of the mines to celebrating the forest heritage. An anthology of his collected poems is due to be published early in 2021.
Maggie Clutterbuck
Maggie is a forester born & bred and a well known part of the contemporary writing scene. She won the Forest Bard award in 2005, with her poem ‘Tribute to a Vurrist Miner’, dedicated to her father. She regularly performs her poetry in and around the Forest Her first book was published in 2018 and her second book is due out at the beginning of 2021. Maggie has taught creative writing for many years at evening classes and workshops.
Annie Cavill
Annie was Bard in 2009, daughter of a free miner, born in the Forest of Dean and has always written poetry. She won Bard of the Forest and has been successful in organising Junior bard for the Forest Faddle. She runs a series of workshops with several local schools encouraging primary school pupils to write poetry.
Carol Sheppard
Carol Sheppard is a poet and playwright who has lived in the Forest of Dean for over 20 years. She has had poetry published in literary journals, most recently Borrowed Solace and Art Ascent and exhibited in the Biggar Poetry Garden. Her play The Drop of a Pin toured Gloucestershire in 2016 and then had a two week run in New Zealand. She came runner up in the International Film Festival in 2008 with a short film script. She loves living in the Forest of Dean and it inspires much of her poetry.
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