Black Rabbit Press publishes distinct and diverse voices in poetry and flash fiction. Their pamphlets feature gorgeous, handmade covers, each featuring a distinctive papercut design. “Excellent production values” – Sabotage Reviews.
Infinity Books UK is a new publisher – of poetry, primarily. They currently run the annual Love The Words poetry competition, part of International Dylan Thomas Day, in addition.
You will need to register for this event using the link below.

Mab Jones
Mab Jones is “a unique talent” (The Times). She is a writer, broadcaster, publisher, and is the winner of many awards including, most recently, from the Royal Society of Literature.

Karen Little
Karen Little (kazvina) is an artist and internationally published writer. Her most recent collaboration is a series of hand-produced, illustrated poetry booklets, raising funds for animals in shelters.

Richard Owen Powell
Richard Owen Powell lives on a strip of wild coast near Aberystwyth. His inspiration comes from the bizarre, often inexplicable, experiences that surround his daily existence out on the periphery.

Olivia Tuck
Olivia Tuck’s poetry has appeared in journals and webzines including Tears in the Fence and Ink Sweat & Tears. Her pamphlet Things Only Borderlines Know is published by Black Rabbit Press.

Marc Zeuk Roberts
Marc Zeuk Roberts formed his first band aged eleven. He now performs, promotes unique musical happenings, and is a published author. His latest collection – of haiku – is Ghost of Clone.

Bailee Wilson
Bailee Wilson is 23 and from Tennessee. She is working on her Master of Public Health at Brown University. She won the international Love The Words poetry competition in 2020.

George Sandifer-Smith
George Sandifer-Smith’s work has featured in numerous journals including Poetry Wales, The Stockholm Review, and Ink Sweat & Tears. His Infinity Books debut collection is Nights Travel At The Right Speed.

Mari Ellis Dunning
Mari Ellis Dunning’s debut poetry collection, Salacia, was shortlisted for Wales Book of the Year 2019. Her second poetry collection, Pearl and Bone, will be published with Parthian next year.
Register for the event here:-
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